Friday, November 18, 2005

6. Balderdash

Party games are typically not my scene. I enjoy a good chortle as much as (and maybe even more than) the next guy. Unfortunately, most party games, in my experience, are half-baked attempts to cash in on the success of proven hits like Trivial Pursuit, Taboo, or (egads!) Cranium. Throw a timer, some cards, some playing pieces and a superfluous board into a huge box and slap a $35 price tag on it -- voila! Instant Party Game!


Balderdash is proof that not all party games have to follow this mind-numbing formula. Now, before I go to much further I should point out that Balderdash is really no more than a boxed version of The Dictionary Game. So, while the publishers don't get high marks for originality, I'll give them a nod for bringing such a wonderful parlor game into the mainstream. I had certainly never heard of The Dictionary Game, and it's unlikely I ever would have considered playing a game with such a title (Wheeeee! What's next? Thesaurusopoly?)

Suffice to say, Balderdash is the game to reach for when you're ready for absolute fun and hysterics. And isn't that was a party is really all about?


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